Tech companies should be more familiar with the Prius Principle. Toyota's hybrid succeeded because it didn't ask us to change behavior. Instead it reshaped existing behavior. (Exactly why plug-in cars aren't widely embraced.) This is the filter through which I viewed CES this week. Which technologies will succeed because they found a way to tap into our current behaviors? That's why I'm doubtful about 3-D TV. Yes, I put on the glasses and, yes, I was amazed. But, no, I don't think I'll invite my friends over to watch the game and require them to sport Roy Orbison- esque glasses . (To be fair, there is buzz about the future potential of 3-D without the glasses. We'll see.) I'm also not sure about Polaroid's new digital camera that can also print out photos. Who wants to carry around a paper photo? Invoking the Prius Principle, this runs counter to how we currently share photos. TV widgets seem to be the big idea this year.