The Wall Street Journal's small business innovation competition shows how businesses can succeed in a poor economic climate by using the realities of the marketplace as a source of new business models and product offerings. This made me pause to think about our small business, Barrie D'Rozario Murphy . Starting an agency on the eve of the Great Recession is a focusing experience. And while we were named in 2009 by the 4As as the "best small agency in the U.S.", we believe we've gotten better since because we started rethinking what marketers need from an agency. Our clients needs ideas – not just TV ideas; not just print ideas; not just banner ad ideas. They need the best solution for the problem at hand. Any agency that specializes in one solution, whether that is TV or interactive or social media, is the proverbial hammer that views all problems as nails. We deepened our commitment to being an agency with "no walls." No walls between us an
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